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What Should You Do If You Are Being Investigated By The Police? Contact Us

Monthly Archives: June 2023


What Should You Do If You Are Being Investigated By The Police?

By Rigney Law LLC |

It can be scary to discover that you may be a criminal suspect. The possibility of going to jail is frightening. It is easy to become overwhelmed after you find out you are the target of a police investigation. However, it is vital that after you find out the police are investigating you, consult… Read More »

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Resolving Charges In Indiana Without Going To Trial

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are facing criminal charges in Indiana, you are likely scared of going to trial. You are probably also worried about the cost of a trial. After all, going to trial can be expensive. You may be asking yourself, “How can I resolve my criminal charges without going to trial?” So, how can… Read More »

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Ways A Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are facing criminal charges in Indiana, hiring a qualified criminal defense attorney is the most important step you can take to reach the best result in your situation. Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, a skilled criminal defense attorney will increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome. Even if… Read More »

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Understanding The Criminal Statute Of Limitations In Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

The laws governing the prosecution of criminal cases can be complex. One of the complex laws governing the prosecution of criminal cases in the United States of America is the statute of limitations. All states in the U.S., Indiana included, have a criminal statute of limitations. A criminal statute of limitations outlines how much… Read More »

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Can The Police Lie To You During An Interrogation?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are facing criminal charges, you may wonder whether you can challenge a police officer’s actions or present evidence proving the officer lied to you during questioning to fight the charges against you. You may assume that police officers are not allowed to lie to criminal suspects during interrogations. But is that true?… Read More »

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