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Category Archives: Drug Crimes


Can a Confidential Informant’s Statements Be Used Against Me in a Drug Case?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you have been arrested in connection with a drug offense in Indiana and are facing charges for a serious drug crime, you may learn that law enforcement obtained evidence against you in order to bring the charges based on information supplied by a confidential informant. Finding out that law enforcement made use of… Read More »

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Entrapment as a Defense in Drug Cases

By Rigney Law LLC |

Drug arrests often occur when a person is allegedly caught trying to purchase drugs from another party. In some cases, the party selling the drugs is an undercover law enforcement officer, and a drug crimes arrest quickly ensues. If you were arrested and have been charged with a drug offense after making a purchase… Read More »

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What is “Possession with Intent” in Indiana?

By Rigney Law LLC |

There are different levels of drug crimes in Indiana, and the type of criminal charges you can face for possession of a controlled substance can depend on the amount of the controlled substance that was in your possession. Regardless of whether you have ever faced drug charges previously or known someone who has, you… Read More »

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6 Elements That Can Increase the Severity of a Drug Possession Charge in Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

Indiana takes the offense of drug possession very seriously. A drug possession conviction can have serious consequences that can impact a person’s life significantly. Being convicted of drug possession in Indiana can lead to, among other things, incarceration and fines. The exact consequences you face for a drug possession conviction in Indiana depend on… Read More »

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Differentiating Between Drug Possession and Possession With Intent to Deliver in Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

In Indiana, drug-related crimes are taken quite seriously. If you are convicted of a drug crime in Indiana, you could face several consequences. The exact consequences of a drug-related crime depend on the nature of the offense. Two common drug-related crimes that people are convicted of in Indiana are drug possession and possession with… Read More »

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Unlawful Police Stops in Indiana Drug Cases

By Rigney Law LLC |

When facing any type of drug charges in Indiana, it is vital that you hire an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney to help you challenge the State’s case against you.  Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony drug charges, you should hire an attorney experienced in this area of the law.  Not only is… Read More »

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Enhanced Drug Possession in Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

In Indiana, drug-related crimes, such as drug possession, distribution, and drug trafficking, are taken very seriously. You could face severe penalties if convicted of a drug-related crime in Indiana. In this article, we will talk about drug possession crimes. We will highlight the difference between drug possession and enhanced drug possession in Indiana. Even… Read More »

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Drug Crimes in Indianapolis: Know Your Rights and Legal Defenses

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you have been charged with a drug offense in Indianapolis, it is vital to remember that you have rights. Additionally, it is crucial to remember that you deserve a fair defense. Below, we discuss some of the rights you have as an individual facing drug charges in Indianapolis and some common defenses to… Read More »

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When Can Police Conduct A “Stop And Frisk” In Indiana?

By Rigney Law LLC |

The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. But there are a number of judicially created exceptions to this rule. One is for so-called Terry stops, named after a 1968 United States Supreme Court decision. A Terry stop is basically where the police briefly detain a person based on… Read More »

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How Drug Dealing Can Lead To 40 Years In Prison In Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

Thousands of people are charged with possessing and dealing controlled substances–i.e., illegal drugs–each year. Many of these cases are quickly elevated to felony charges based on special circumstances. For example, under Indiana law if a person distributes cocaine, methamphetamine, or a similar controlled substance that results in someone’s death, that dealer can be charged… Read More »

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