Monthly Archives: October 2024

Can I Reverse a Lifetime License Suspension?
Indiana law concerning driver’s license suspensions used to be significantly stricter when it came to lifetime suspensions, and many people who were adjudicated as habitual violators could receive a lifetime suspension of their license without clear options for contesting the lifetime suspension or attempting to have it reversed. To be clear, a lifetime suspension… Read More »

Indiana’s Civil Forfeiture Law Case to be Heard by 7th Circuit
Indiana has one of the most difficult civil asset forfeiture systems in the United States, when it comes to those who have been impacted by these laws being able to retain their property. While civil forfeiture might not sound like it has anything to do with criminal law, the two systems are connected. Civil… Read More »

Additional Types of Expungements in Indiana
Recognizing that criminal records can continue to impact a person’s life after they have completed the terms of their sentence, Indiana law allows people who have been convicted of misdemeanor and even felony offenses to seek expungements of their records. Under Indiana law, an expungement is not a term that refers to complete destruction… Read More »

How Do Indiana Plea Agreements Work?
Anyone, who, in the state of Indiana has been arrested for a criminal offense and is now facing charges may be wondering if they are eligible for a plea agreement, and whether they should consider taking a plea agreement. Plea agreements are governed generally by IC 35-35-3, and they are defined as “an agreement… Read More »

What Are Intimidation Charges in Indiana?
In Indiana, laws that are commonly described under a broader legal umbrella of “assault and battery” are defined a bit differently, and the distinction among these laws can be confusing. One type of offense that is commonly charged is the offense of “intimidation.” This offense is similar to what other states’ criminal laws call… Read More »

What is a Terry Stop?
If you are stopped and searched while you are out walking in Indianapolis or a surrounding area, it is critical to understand your rights under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure, and US Supreme Court case law has clarified the rights afforded to individuals… Read More »

When Officers Ask for Consent to Search Your Vehicle During a Traffic Stop
Knowing your rights during a traffic stop can be the difference between driving away from the stop freely and being arrested by a law enforcement officer. During a traffic stop, a motorist has a wide range of rights under federal and state law, but today, we want to focus on your rights when you… Read More »

What is a Parole Violation Hearing?
Were you released on parole, only to face allegations that you have violated the terms of your parole? If so, you are now likely facing a parole violation hearing, at which your future will be decided. Parole violation hearings can be extremely stressful for parolees and for their families, especially since the outcome of… Read More »